Retirement Fund Administration
Umbrella Funds
Bookkeeping Services
Retirement Fund Administration
Financial Administration Solutions (FAS) offers a range of administration solutions designed to meet the specific needs of our clients. The maintenance and protection of our clients’ data along with exceptional service is of utmost importance to us.

We administer both stand-alone and umbrella funds to cater for all our clients possible needs.

Our policy of total service means that one administrator is responsible for all the administration on your fund. This in turn means that all queries are resolved with one call or email to your dedicated administrator.
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Umbrella Funds
FAS has set up, and administers, a suite of pension and provident funds designed to provide a cost effective method for employers to provide their staff with benefits on retirement, death and/or disability. A board of highly educated and professional trustees manages the Umbrella Funds lifting the burden of trusteeship from employers and members.
Bookkeeping Services
Financial Administration Solutions is a provider of offsite outsourced bookkeeping services for small to medium size enterprises. We provide you with a cost effective alternative to hiring a full time employee and provide an efficient team who will handle all your bookkeeping needs.
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